Where is everyone?!? I think we need a roll call.

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Where is everyone?!? I think we need a roll call.

Post by MCmasters_girl »

There hasn't been a new post in a MONTH!! Did everyone die and I just didn't get the memo or something? Okay well here's what I'm gonna do. if you're still alive, what have you been up to? Anything new? Get married, knock someone up, got knocked up? MOVE perhaps?

I moved to Orlando,Fl in late December, I hate it and most of the people living here seem to have been exposed to some kind of chemical that melted their brain! The traffic lights are too small, there's too much road work, everything is hidden and not labeled or labeled poorly, and there's more Characters than I feel comfortable dealing with. I want the normalcy of San Diego back!!!! :cry:

On another note, Doug is coming back from Iraq (after 4 WHOLE WEEKS) because the ding holes at the S-1 screwed up his paperwork and sent him to Iraq when he was supposed to do recruiting, so he's coming back to do recruiting. Which kinda made my moving across the country pointless, so hopefully he gets recruiting in Orlando, cause I'm NOT driving back across the country, cause that requires going through Louisiana, and I don't have any good thoughts on that state...
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Post by Buzzman25 »

Yeah, the board did kind of die. Eric F. lost his computer so his internet access has sucked, and Mike and I got bored of trying to start topics that didn't really go anywhere.

I think most everyone has been busy trying to get their lives in order. I dunno, it has been pretty darn dead. I have a bunch of other websites that I manage so I do post quite often, just not so much here.

As for me, I'm now in the Delta Chi fraternity and a photographer for the rave scene that I've recently joined. I have not gotten married, knocked or been knocked up recently, and I have not moved unless you count the move to Tahoe for work in the summer.

I did know that Doug went over to Iraq, but I didn't know that he was supposed to be a recruiter. I thought he didn't want that. Sorry to hear about Florida, I've heard from my Dad that the East coast is way different then the West coast. Hopefully things will work out to be normal in time. :)
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Post by DarksideZero »

I still kick it around here in between suicide atteempts and deployments... FTN FTW, but this place was never really alive it was just a few people kicking bullshit aroud and sometimes other people would walk through its got ups and downs but its never been this dead before, not enough people really staying around.... just the core losers
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Post by MaudDib125 »

I am around when not drowning in my classes which seems to be a pretty common occurance for me at the moment. Thank God I graduate in June!!!
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Post by BigGunna »

I'm still the speedbump on the information superhighway.

Workin as a pitboss in reno still.

Still rollin the GT with upgrades of course

In an ongoing off and on relationship.I think we're on again...Everything is going pretty well actually.

OH! I'm a motherfucking RUFF RYDER now.It's a motorcycle/car club kinda like a Fraternity, had to prospect and shit.Just got vested last month.Hang out with them allot (shawn sending you a support team shirt my nizzle)

And my computer still sux huge Rhino cock.I'll get a laptop here shortly I hope.Unless I get a sportbike dammit!!!
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Post by Lady Draven »

I'm here and there, just trying to get through school so I can get out of here and down to the art school in SF. Although school at the moment is not really working as I have a lovely case of mono and have had to drop two of my classes :roll:.... Oh well.
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Post by TitanicMustSink »

Yeah, I hadn't been to this site in the longest time. I have made a lj and a myspace, and I just spaced it.

Well my life is preaty boring anyway, going to be getting yet another work experence placement... but at least this on has the chance to turn into a real job. It's all data entry/filling, great stuff really, and my responsiblitys go up with how much I show I can handle... or something like that, anyways it's kewl anyways. Other then that my daughter is growing, she can count to 10, 11... but gets lots after that. She should be going into pre-school next year, I just gotta get her fully potty trained (nights are a bit of a trouble) and I hope to help her with her ABC's. Yeah, anywho... that's the life from the little mommy...
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