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Japanese IQ Test

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 3:28 am
by Buzzman25
I got this from another forum and thought you all might want to try.

These are the directions and score rating's from the other website. ... IQGame.swf

Japanese IQ test
This is apparently some type of IQ test in Japan that is given to new employees.
The idea is simple: everybody must cross the river.

The rules:

-Only one or two people may cross on the raft at a time
-Only the Mom, Dad, and Policeman can operate the raft.
-Dad can not be in the presence of the girls w/out Mom being present
-Mom can not be in the presence of the boys w/out Dad being present
-The thief can not be alone with any of the family members

To start the game, click on the blue dot
To put people on the raft, click on the them
To move the raft, click on the red dots

if you succeed in
4 minutes: you are a Genius
6 minutes: You are exceptionally intelligent
10 minutes: You are very intelligent
20 minutes: You are average
25 minutes: You are a bit slow
30 minutes or more: You are dumb

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 5:16 am
by BigGunna
Ok... I didn't time myself. I thought I'd get a score. When I passed it I got some weird Katakana symbol and the peeps looked like they were doing a heil. I can tell you it was less than 7 min though

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:40 pm
by RoRo
yeah...i don't know how long it took in total, but somewhere around 5-10min...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:52 am
by MaudDib125
I did it in 5 mins well about 5 and a half to be more exact. I found it really damn annoying at first but figured it out relatively quickly. The animations kill your time... I could have had it faster without them...

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:02 pm
by DarksideZero
yeah I bet they killed everyones time so quit your whining,
I didn't bother to time it, but it was plenty fast course I did this same puzzle every year in elementry school so pfft bring it