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Matrix Revolutions?
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 1:23 pm
by BigGunna
Next week is the begining of tommarrow...
Will all be revealed?
Will the war ever end?
Will this one dissapoint us?
Will all the techies be pissed off?
Will there be a TV mini series spin off?
Will there be another dumbass rave scene?
And finally the question we all want to know...
Is there a spoon???
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 2:04 pm
by MCmasters_girl
I don't think that it will be dissapointing, I've seen trailers and it just makes me want to see it more.
As for the rave scene, if you lived under ground with no TV, no video games, and no other forms of entertainment wouldn't you have raves too?
To answer the final question : There is no spoon.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 5:43 am
by BigGunna
MCmasters_girl wrote:...
As for the rave scene, if you lived under ground with no TV, no video games, and no other forms of entertainment wouldn't you have raves too?
Ppffffttt you don't want me to answer that do you?
Why I'd get a jump start on the revolution. There need to be more free children of Zion so naturally I'd get a head start (no pun intended) on making a bunch of Lil' Gunna's.
*subtel as a Mack truck*
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 4:42 pm
by DarksideZero
the contrversial party scene you all know it its the one that killed the Matrix: Reloaded
who the hell cares what the people do in thier off time the fat rave has nothing to do with the story, doesn't move the plot, reveales nothing about what the hell is going on, doesn't make us ask any questions and all around has no point plus it just took too damned long, the fans don't care we want action or drama no pointless titie wiggle scene this time around guys
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:24 pm
by BigGunna
Yeah I was probably the first to see it... Who wants to touch me... I said who wants to touch me.
I word (Well two cramed into one like Y'all) Plus one superlative Sums up the movie
Remember that first famous Trilogy (and then some)... what was it called??? oh Star Wars. Screw Star Wars!!! I want to get on my soapbox about this point and see this movie as a profound document on life itself but we're probably missing something really simple. It's a 2 hour movie but it feels much, much longer. You go through all the emotions possible, I tell you I was almost moved to tears sometimes. The best part is that the movie is so predictable... But you didn't really expect what happened did you? Many many WTF's in this movie. There is only one part of the movie where it's kind of dumb. The CGI just doesn't sit right. You'll see it in the fight with Smith. Otherwise I'd actually pay to see it again in the theatre, something I DONT EVER do.
1)There IS a Rave scene... I know, I know I heard many a "oh (superlative) " coming from allot of mouths when it first started. Yet this one is tastefully done. Notice the "blocking"(theatre term for character movement) very cool. But the best Rave scene in a movie however goes to Blade 2 or perhaps Clock work Orange.
2)Remember how I was talking about the Crazy "72 hours" guy? Yeah that's him on the train.
3)Awesome acting by the guy who plays Bane as well as Hugo's (Agent Smith) pissy monoluge
4)Stay after the credits to see how deep the rabbit hole goes... No there is nothing at the end, It's over already, Just accept it. I'm talking about as I was waiting for nothing to happen (seriously there's nothing at the end this time) I was in awe of the sound track and the huge number of people involved "Making the Impossible-Possible" (one of the last thank you's).It was also fun seeing Nobody move from their seat as well(even though you should know by now that there is NOTHING besides some kick ass music and 10 min of credits)
And Finally... Everything in the movie is Present and accounted for... Trin's kick, the black cat,cool bullet time stuff, The Neo Bruce Lee Ripoff. Except for the Spoon, If someone finds the Spoon please let me know... unless of course THERE IS NO SPOON
So in conclusion what are you sitting there reading this for GO SEE IT!
I can hear everyone voiceing an opinion about what the Movie is really saying. It's very simple and ery complex at the same time, I don't think even the Wachaowski brothers know what it's all about. The movie ends but it really doesn't because you are still left with questions. So don't worry about it, to explain it fully you have to know the meaning of life itself. Everyone has their own opinion based on their own life so don't let someone tell you "what it's about", even me.
PS:.......... F***IN BADASS REDUX
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 7:46 am
by MCmasters_girl
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 9:33 pm
by RoRo
I must agree with Bigguna as far as seeing this movie!! Yeah, it leaves you hanging on a lot of stuff, but seriously it was stinkin' awesome! Anyway, I really really enjoyed it, and I highly reccomend it:-)