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Canada moves to lower pot penalties

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 2:47 pm
by Flamebo

marijuana, should it be legal? If this bill passes in Canada the USA is just one step closer to this goal.

This post is a debate on your opinion on this topic, YAY! flame on, I know some of us have heated opinions!

Me, I'm pro legalization for adults 18+.

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 9:57 pm
by DarksideZero
Legalize it Tax the hell out of it thats what I say

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 10:13 am
by dementiastar
definately legalize it. Altough they push marijuan-hazard commercials, nothing can be as bad as alcohol in terms of reprocussions.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 11:25 am
by MCmasters_girl
I'm gonna say it should be legalized then maybe they will take that lame ass I got pregnant from getting high commercial off the air, those commercials and the TRUTH commercials just bother me.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:28 pm
by MaudDib125
why were you under the influence of something when you got pregant and if so would you have avoided getting pregant?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:31 pm
by BigGunna
I say we keep our present system for economic reasons...what about all those poor drug dealers? You think they can find a job in this economy?

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:37 pm
by MCmasters_girl
BigGunna wrote:I say we keep our present system for economic reasons...what about all those poor drug dealers? You think they can find a job in this economy?
There is still crack , meth, heroin, acid, PCP, ecstacy, mushrooms, and cocaine to support them. And they will make more money this way since pot is a poor man's drug.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 1:48 pm
by BigGunna
MCmasters_girl wrote:There is still crack , meth, heroin, acid, PCP, ecstacy, mushrooms, and cocaine to support them. And they will make more money this way since pot is a poor man's drug.
My ass coke,x, and meth are cheaper than weed these days...I mean... uhhhhhhh...*thinks of a good reason to say that*... I know a guy who is ... Uhhhhhhhh... *Thinks of a quick way out*
Oh hell legalize it...*whew* Treat it like alcohol, and like Grant said tax the shit out of it.

Posted: Thu May 29, 2003 3:42 pm
by Flamebo
I was doing some research on Pot and the hazards to your health recently.

In one congressional study they research team came back saying they found very minimal health reprocossions relating only lung damage from smoking, no brain damage, but would need a long term study to confirm that.

The Study was canned and a few years later another smaller team did their own study. They took 7 monkeys and made them smoke pot. The pot killed um. They then killed 7 normal monkeys and cut open everyones brains, they found that the 7 pot monkeys had much more brain damage. THIS STUDY IS THE REASON FOR ALL THE "STATS" ANTI-DRUG GROUPS HAVE!!

BTW-they later found that the way the research team got the monkeys to smoke was by putting a respirator on them and forcing them to inhale something like 75 joints in 5 minutes straight. There are a few fairly intelligant people who think that just maybe it was a lack of oxygen and carbon monoxide poisening not the pot that screwed up the monkeys......of course thats just speculation, our goverment/DEA is very reluctant to autherize anyone to test pot, guess you'll have to make your own assumption.

Posted: Fri May 30, 2003 11:20 am
by Flamebo
More reasons why pot should be legalized, this time quoted from the white house anti-drug site. ... index.html

1) "Approximately 56 percent of current illicit drug users consumed only marijuana, 20 percent used marijuana and another illicit drug, and the remaining 24 percent used an illicit drug but not marijuana"

So 76% of drug users in America use pot, out of thoughs only just over 1/4 go on to other drugs, damn someone needs to come up with a fucking better gateway casue marijuana aint getting it done!

2)"An estimated 37% of Americans aged 12 or older had used marijuana or hashish in their lifetime"

So over 1/3 of America has used pot! Why the hell hasnt this shit been changed years ago? Oh ya, politicians don't inhale.

3)"Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers do" and "Although all of the students had scored equally well in 4th grade, those who were heavy marijuana smokers, i.e., those who used marijuana seven or more times per week, scored significantly lower in 12th grade than nonsmokers."

Now THAT is a damn good reason to send someone to jail for several years! God bless this country, if it wasn't for our marijuana laws we'd have nothin but a bunch of Army grunts! (cigarette smokein idiots)

4)"According to a 1997 Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) survey of Federal and state prisoners approximately 19% of Federal and 13% of state drug offenders were incarcerated for a marijuana-related offense."

So 1 out of 5 guys in Federal pound me in the ass prison are there cause of bud. Anyone besides me think they should let thoughs guys out in order to free up some room for the muderers and rapists that are getting prolled early do to lack of jail space??!

5)"Marijuana in a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA). Schedule I drugs are classified as having a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or other substance under medical supervision."

Well ya, Marijuana is abused all the time, flippin cops always flushing it down the toilet and grinding it into the ground, damn pigs. And ya, medical use is against federal LAW! 9 states dont know shit, especially CA, their a bunch of freakin movie stars and beach bums! And true, its not safe to use you could do minor damage to YOUR OWN lungs, or after years of use do slightly worse on fucking collage enterance exams than someone who was probably smarter than you anyhow, and even worse use of marijuana could lead to cronic health problems such as getting fucked in the ass nightly by some fat black guy in federal pound me in the ass prison! (as stated above)

Now that you've heard the arguments of our great government don't YOU want a drug free america too?

This post paid for by billions of tax payer dollors each year.

Posted: Sat May 31, 2003 4:08 am
by DarksideZero
1. hmm gateway my ass I'd like to see the numbers on how many pot heads were drinking and snoking normal shit first before I even factor that argument in

2. People useing it anyway hell sounds like a reason to get me some "legal" cash out of it anyway your tax dollars are my paycheck legalize and lay the tax down

3. alright so ya got some physical and mental detrimental side affects
slap that surgen generals warning on em and smoke up Johnny
bisides you can put chemical content control on it your average weed has a huge amount of extra crap added to it these days

4. uh it says one out of five drug offenders not one out of five any inmate
but the argument still stands and I agree

For the record I do not use nor will I use weed in the event of legalization, I still put myself on the pro legalization side