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Introduce yourself!!!

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 4:47 pm
by BigGunna
Hey I see some new names now and then and people that only have a post or two. I'll see your name online at the bottom but I rarelly see you chat a little with us, What's up? Yeah I'm talking to you, what are you too good for us? You're afraid you won't fit in cause were all a little rough around the edges? Well introduce yourself, we're all nice and cozy at our respective camp fires. Start a new topic, heck just reply to this one. Guys back me up on this one.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 7:24 pm
by RoRo
Yeah, I agree with Bigguna...we have our quirky moments...some more than others...we even have friends in lower places...and friends with fantacies about famous people like Frank Stallone and Avril Lavine and Sara from names as to who that is....;-)

But for the most part they're a friendly bunch, and if nothing else, they're good for a laugh or two to make it through this crazy world we live in:-)

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2003 11:40 pm
Yeah, I agree with Bigguna...we have our quirky moments...some more than others...we even have friends in lower places...and friends with fantacies about famous people like Frank Stallone and Avril Lavine and Sara from names as to who that is....
Jezz, Some people need a reality check. Except for one person.
You guessed it!


Frank Stallone!

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 12:28 am
by MaudDib125
Just to point out. Most the people that your talking to do now have access to this part of the forum. You should try posting this in the public part :)

2ndly Shawn and I were discussing this the other day. He said when V2.2 for the forum comes out he believes there will be a function that deletes idol users within a certain amount of time since their last post. This amount of time would be based on the number of times you have posted to the boards. Just wanted to fill everyone in as I noticed we have 20 users on the board that have NEVER posted.

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2003 12:35 am
by Buzzman25
And thus it was moved to the public section of the board so that everyone could view it!

Yeah, I know that there are a few people that have little to no posts on the board. People sign up either with the intent to post, but forget about the website, or don't know how to use the site and don't take the time to learn.

I'd love it if more people came here but I guess I need to offer a few more things to make the site spicy enough for people to remember and want to come back to. /shrug

I dunno, maybe when I get a server of my own I'll be able to do more cool things, but the way things work now it costs me money that I don't have to spend so...I gotta deal until then. :p

MaudDib125 is correct though. Once version 2.2 comes out it's going to have a whole slew of features one that I hope to be user deletion after determined amounts of time. Will free up space for people that have very small post counts.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2003 4:20 pm
by BigGunna
Ok wellt this tread did not have the impact I thought it would 8O Perhaps I was a little overzealous with the title. So now I've changed it.

Hello All, introuduce yourself and make sure you register for some of the cool user groups. Well I am

Name:Eric AKA Top Gun/Biggunna/Gun/The Enforcer
Sign: Aries Taurus rising :twisted:
Daily grind: Casino Dealer/Entreprenuer :wink:
Ride: 93 Mustang conv.
Likes: Women, shiny metal objects, anything Char-broiled, Preformance pieces
Dislikes: Stupid people, snow in May,

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 8:58 pm
by Sunshine
Okay! Im ...
Name: Jessica, but I prefer Sunshine
and i forgot all the other stuff, so yah...
Where did the sun go? I mean isnt it MAY and its like snowing. I know Im not doing a good job as SUNSHINE, but its kinda hard in times like these.. anyways.. yah so im Sunshine.. and Im gone...

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 9:21 pm
by Buzzman25
Just a FYI, anything that you post in this forum, such as identifiable information, can be read by anyone that crosses this website. It may not concern some, but others like to be a little more private with their information, for that reason that was why I created the Members Only section.

Just thought that I'd post to let everyone know the situation so that no one would get upset. Remember that at all times you are bound by rules outlined in the Announcements section under the topic Legal Disclaimer.

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 10:00 pm
by dementiastar
Name: Kera/Kera Lenore/Dementia Star
Sign: saggitarius (moon: gemini ascendant/rising: gemini) gee--aren't i lucky?
Daily grind: server/hostess at Chili's
Ride: i have two feet.
Likes: Oi, comic books (Lenore, The Crow, Tank Girl), coffee, piercing, tattoos, web design, hacking up my clothing (buy me something!),
Dislikes: people who wear pastel colors, over tanned people, blond people, most people, ( i guess i realy don't like people that put more the 15 hours of work into their own body per week) hot weather, BIG bugs and conformity